Dancin' the night away!
/So You Think You Can Dance...LIVE in Dallas. We were in the 7TH ROW!!! I lost my voice. Bonnie and I sat on the edges of our seats with our jaws dropped open the entire time. It was stunning, moving, beautiful, and inspirational!
I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos from the night. They said not to use a flash, but somehow mine just happened to turn on all by itself. Oopsie :)
A contemporary routine with Kameron and Lacey, the first one that was on the TV show...
Then Sabra! So much strength in a tiny body.
This dance gives me chills everytime (wait for it to load - it's so worth it!) This contemporary dance with Danny and Anja is the one I saw on the show and decided it was time to stop saying, "I want to do that" and actually start attempting it. Please God, can I learn to dance like this one day?
The way they move their bodies really is an art form.
Loved the 80s corduroys in every color of the rainbow!
This might seem kind of shallow, but one of the things I realized I love about dancers is their bodies. They are not Hollywood fake skinny, but they are strong. The girls were normal and healthy sized. Some of them even had cellulite, which was oddly comforting. I thought they were beautiful exactly how they were!
It was just a joyful night! Thank you Jeny & Steven for working so hard to arrange it!
On the way to the car, we kept saying, "That was so amazing. Oh my gosh, that was so amazing." Then Bonnie said, "I want to enroll in ballet classes right now. And when we build our dream house, you better believe there's going to be a dance studio in it," and I knew she'd caught dancing fever. I love these vows we make after we've had an inspirational night like tonight. I just know that I went home a happy girl, excited for next week's class when I get to try to be a dancer once again.