15 weeks.

Well, here is the bump, growing a little more each day. I have to remember I can't just bend straight over anymore without feeling a little *pinch*.  Also, I must apologize for the outfit.  I'm going to be totally transparent here and say that I wore those electric blue yoga pants three days in a row.  It was so bad that my husband, who never says anything negative about my appearance, gently suggested that maybe I should change my pants.  Oh dear.  They're just so comfortable, especially when my jeans are torturous right now.  But I get his point.  When you add the red hoodie sweatshirt that is now so short that the pockets are at chest-level, it's time.  It's time to give something else a turn.

Favorite foods of the moment:

  • Refreshing smoothie: 1 cup plain whole milk yogurt, 1 1/2 frozen bananas, and the juice of 1 orange.   It's that simple, and goodness, it's delicious.  A little granola on top for some crunch makes it even better.  This is actually plenty for 2 servings.
  • PICKLES.  MUST HAVE PICKLES.  My favorites are the baby kosher dills from Whole Foods.
  • Baked potatoes with butter, sour cream, and sea salt.
  • Crispy grass-fed ground beef.  Basically I cook it in the pan until it crisps so it's not too spongy.  There's no way I can do spongy right now.
  • Eggs.  Eggs galore!  I'll never get sick of eggs.  I think I actually said, "Thank God for eggs" out loud the other night as I ate them for dinner.
  • Cream of Buckwheat and steel-cut oats - with butter and bananas on top.  And maybe a dab of yogurt.

And here's a belly front shot...