I can think of no better note on which to end this month of thankfulness. A few weeks ago in the middle of my Bible Study Fellowship lecture I was reminded of this verse:
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten..." (Joel 2:25)
I scrawled the verse on my notebook page, and underneath it in bold letters with my turquoise Papermate pen, I wrote, "HE WILL RESTORE." Tears came into my eyes as I thought of our lives, the lives of so many close friends, filled with so much beauty and so much loss. And so much hope. God will restore.
Then, while taking a bath tonight, I read this passage in Anne Lamott's newest book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers...
I practically burst into tears right there in the bathtub. My thankfulness posts are now all overlapping and intertwining, and I see how God weaves these beautiful stories. I'd miss them if I didn't practice thankfulness, taking the time to write it down and see how it all connects.
My little family, we've lost much - more than is appropriate to share here in this public space. But we will - and already have - receive back for what we've lost. It might not be in the way we've pictured, but it will be good. The details don't really matter, because what I want to communicate today to each and every person who reads this is that He will restore. And that's the best possible news I can think of at this very moment.
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During the month of November, I'm practicing "30 days of thankfulness" - will you join me? Use your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to voice your thankfulness for something every day in November. My hope is that this daily routine will create in me a heart of thankfulness and gratitude, no matter the day or month or situation.