The colors brighter, the air softer.
/New comfy TOMS - a gift from my friend Linda
Yesterday, on a gorgeous pre-fall day with a light breeze, I made a first attempt at bringing Luci Belle to one of our favorite hidden gems, the Southern Methodist University campus. SMU has been a haven for me and Steven our entire time here in Dallas, like our own private park, and I was excited to introduce our daughter to its tall shade trees and abundance of cushy grass. Well, despite the fact that I forgot to pack any diapers, and Luci Belle had a projectile spit-up episode that resulted in a clothing change for her and a very yucky skirt for me, we still enjoyed thirty minutes of relaxing time together, just the two of us. Life may look a lot different now, but that is okay. Now, I have the chance to show our daughter this beautiful world, and seeing her eyes widen with wonder as she notices a squirrel or touches her toes to the grass makes it all worth it. May I continue to appreciate the new nature of our days for they are fleeting...