Every spring...
/I wish everyday were like this.
The neighborhood itself is an ode to spring.
Seemingly overnight, shrubs are flowering pink and coral.
Pale green buds have appeared on trees, sending tiny bud-leaves twirling in the breeze.
The air feels like summertime in New Jersey, without a cloud in the sky, the perfect temperature for a long walk, the kind that makes your legs ache in a good way and makes your skin smell outdoorsy and sweet.
The bakery on the corner sends the scent of chocolate chip cookies on the breeze.
I look around at yards greening and coming to life again, see my daughter's bare toes dangling from her stroller lazily, feel the sun lightly tanning my shoulders.
And I realize that it's true - every spring seems like the only spring...it never loses its astonishment.
I do wish everyday were like this.
But if it were, today would not be so beautiful.