My Swiss pen pal. (30 days of thankfulness - day 14)

In a small village in the canton of Argovia in Switzerland, there lives a woman named Monica.  One day, I received an email from her through my blog, out of the blue, in which she introduced herself. She found me by researching Jeremy Casella's music, then made her way to Kierstin Casella's blog, then to mine.  I'm so glad she did! 

In that first email, Monica said, "I decided to follow Jesus in 1994, and sisters like you inspire me to love my Lord more every day and to explore the beauty and adventure of faith, life, friendship, nature and art."

Although her native tongue is German, I knew right away that we spoke the same language.  Monica is a creative, artistic, sensitive soul who loves reading, writing, music, poetry, painting, her garden, and her husband Ralph, who she's been married to since 1999.  She works as a copy editor for a big Swiss newspaper.

I love hearing about Monica's faith through the perspective of her unique European culture and traditions.  Our lives are so different, yet we understand each other so well.  Her words have encouraged me time and time again.   You should hear how poetically and eloquently she writes...and she translates every email into English!

Monica and I have never met in person, but you can be sure that when we do, it will be a sweet day.  There will surely be lots of shared cappuccinos and laughter and walks through the city and countryside.  Until then, we'll continue being kindred spirits across the miles. 

I thank God for you, Monica!

Here are a few of my favorite photos from Monica's world. 

A lovely Swiss cottage in the snow...

One of her glorious cappuccinos, "served with strawberries au gratin and much love on a Saturday afternoon"...

Her lovely flower garden...

Her parents' Christmas tree...with real lit candles on it.  Below is a stable handmade by her father many years ago...

The view from one of her boating trips...

And just another breathtaking winter day in Switzerland...

You know you want a Swiss pen pal now.  But mine's taken!

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During the month of November, I'm practicing "30 days of thankfulness" - will you join me?  Use your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to voice your thankfulness for something every day in November.  My hope is that this daily routine will create in me a heart of thankfulness and gratitude, no matter the day or month or situation.