Top 5 Instagrams.

I'm playing along with my friends Marisa and Annie and sharing my Top 5 Instagram photos.  Fun!

I love Instagram for its simplicity. There are no fancy apps, games, or whatever - you can only upload photos, or like or comment on others' photos.  I absolutely love seeing snapshots of my friends' days - especially those who live far away.

So here are five of my favorites...

1.  Joyride.  This is easy - my husband completely in his element, when we took my mom's Jeep for a joyride last August in New Jersey.  Looking at this photo, I can practically feel the breeze on our faces and the freedom we felt that day.

2. Tree.  I pass this tree almost every day, but this day, I looked up.

3.  Daddy+daughter.  A sweet moment between my two loves.  Even better - it was during a massive thunderstorm.

4. Petals.  On one of my normal walking routes in the neighborhood about a month ago, I turned a corner to this exquisite sight.

5. Lips.  This photo makes me smile every single time.  Taken on a cool, cloudy day visiting friends on a farm in Athens, TX.

As for my favorite Instagram filters, I tend to use "Rise" and "Sierra" the most.

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Link to your favorite Instagram picture [of your own or someone else's if you don't have Instagram]. Or write a post today on your own blog with five of your favorite Instagrams and link us to that! 

What is your favorite filter to use?

Autumn has finally found us!

Yesterday we experienced the very first bit of cool air since May. As one of my Facebook friends said so well, "This cool air is like Prozac." 

To start the day, Instagram helped me capture the beginnings of autumn on our walk - oh, how we've missed our daily walks!  But they're back, folks, they back.

Instagram love.

Yes, I know.  I'm the last person on earth to use Instagram.  But after my daughter recently threw my old phone in the toilet, I started using an iPhone generously given to me by a friend.  I love taking photos with a real camera, so I didn't think I'd get into Instagram.  But the more I played around with it, the more I became hooked on how it enables me to take a quick snapshot to capture an ordinary moment or mood in my day.  And some of the photo effects add such a beautiful timeless quality.  So, here are some of my Instagram photos lately...