Studio Mela on Etsy.

I have to introduce you to one of my favorite shops of delightful handmade items on Etsy, Studio Mela.  This woman speaks my language in a major way.  You might remember her "It Is Going to Be OK" print that I have hanging above the changing table in Luci Belle's nursery.  It's right across the room from the nursing chair, and I must look at it ten times a day and smile at the reminder. 

Studio Mela is having a spring sale right now, and you'd best take advantage of it!  I'm pretty sure I need this print...

"The Sweet Life" by Studio Mela 

Or how about this one?

"Live Simply" by Studio Mela

And who doesn't need these words of encouragement?

"Sing Your Song" by Studio Mela"What A Day" by Studio Mela

"In The Garden" by Studio MelaSee more of my Favorites on Etsy.  What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?