
Things we're doing to savor Spring this year...

  • Walks everyday with the stroller and Moby wrap
  • Stopping to look up and see the blossoming trees
  • Pausing to pick dandelions
  • Eating sandwiches outside at the Farmstead
  • Pretending we're queens, and the playground is our kingdom
  • Driving with the windows down and our toes hanging out
  • Family time on the back deck with iced green tea
  • Giving our chipping home a facelift - repainting it a new fun color scheme - can't wait to share the end result!

Spring is like heaven here in Dallas, and we don't want to miss a thing.  What are you doing to savor spring in your neck of the woods?

Spring discoveries.

We've been soaking up every minute of spring around here.  This year, I seem to have noticed unique flowers popping up everywhere.  Maybe because toddlers walk at a snail's pace...ha!  Well I'm thankful for the slowness that helps me to stop and notice just how detailed God is in creation.

"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment."
~ Ellis Peters


I'll never get tired of the green of spring. Every year, it's like I've never seen it before.

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful;

for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayside sacrament. 

Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower,

and thank God for it as a cup of blessing." 

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

A home for all seasons.

Here is my home sweet home in Madison, New Jersey, dressed in winter white.  Dad laments that it's T-H-R-E-E degrees there now {the clock at the bank downtown said so}, snow is packed tight, lawns piled high, driveways frozen over.  They're expecting another big storm on Tuesday and likely won't see a tip of grass until spring. 

I do love this little cottage home where I no longer abide but still consider "mine."  It's beautiful in all seasons.  How I miss the azaleas blooming in spring, the deep vibrant green of summer, the kaleidoscoped landscape of fall, and yes, even the blustery winter when the starkness and lack of color expresses its own kind of beauty.