Nighttime picnic.
/"Then followed that beautiful season... Summer....
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It was one of those summer nights when you just knew you were making a memory. As the light was lowering in the sky, we gathered at our favorite place in Dallas, Southern Methodist University's campus, to set up a nighttime picnic. It was Terrica's 28th birthday, and oh, how she loves picnics. So before she arrived, Steven, our friend Michelle, and I set up a soft plaid blanket surrounded by lanterns, right near the fountain so we could feel its cool mist.
Ever since living in Dallas, SMU's campus has been a safe haven for us, like our own private, beautiful park. There is barely ever anyone there, especially at night. The fountains that shine like gems and the enormous old pecan trees that form canopies over the squishy grass all say, "I am Dallas' best kept secret."
As the sun started to set, the fountain in the center of campus glowed even more brilliantly...
After a little while, Terrica, her husband Josh, and our friend Autumn all arrived, straight from yoga class, and we shared our picnic-y goodies. Juicy, sweet watermelon, farm cheese, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and for Terrica's birthday "cake" - Hail Merry Chocolate Tarts. Mmmmm. Take a bite, pass it on, take a bite, pass it on.
But mostly we just enjoyed the breezy evening, the cool mist spritzing us from the fountain, and being silly.
Autumn & Michelle with my buddha belly. Please notice the drip of watermelon juice about halfway down :)
Steven, Autumn, me and part of Michelle's head :)
Terrica's husband, Josh
It was a beautiful evening of community, celebrating Terrica's life - one that we are definitely blessed to have...
Terrica & Josh
...And an evening treasuring these last moments before our little girl arrives.